Why SERVPRO Photo Gallery

Why SERVPRO? We take precautions to protect you and our employees.
In this picture we took precautions to contain the area where we found mold. Our technicians have the knowledge to properly contain the room from possible spores from spreading throughout the house. SERVPRO Southwest takes pride in caring about our customers.

Why SERVPRO, we will protect your tile floor
This photo was taken after demo and before cleaning. SERVPRO of Southwest Las Vegas protected the new tile floor before we removed drywall. By doing so SERVPRO was able to protect the floor from possible damage.

Why SERVPRO, we try and save material
During a water damage SERVPRO will try and restore before replace. In this photo SERVPRO of Southwest Las Vegas was able to save this wallpaper at a hotel here on The Las Vegas Strip. By doing so the Hotel was able to save a lot of money on the build back.

Why SERVPRO, we make straight cuts for easy build back
Part of the water restoration process includes the build back. Straight cuts into drywall make for a quick and easy build back for the contractor. In this photo is shown a straight clean 2' cut during a water damage restoration job.

At SERVPRO, We Protect Your Items and Furniture
Cabinets can get dirty and scratched very easily if you're not careful during the restoration process. In this photo, SERVPRO of Southwest Las Vegas protected the upper cabinets in this kitchen. Properly covering the cabinets helped protect them from damage during mitigation. At our company, we really care about protecting the furniture of our customers so no further damage is caused when restoring a water damage disaster in a home.

Building Containment for Residential Mold Remediation
This home had multiple roof leaks in a span a 3-5 years. SERVPRO of Southwest Las Vegas was concerned of possible mold being present on the other side of the drywall. With the health effects of the homeowner and the knowledge SERVPRO has concerning mold, it was recommended to contain the area before the ceiling was removed. The homeowner was very happy that our company listened and handled her concerns.